The Host » PenTwist

The Host

Okay, I’ll admit it.  I’ve been far too busy to read as much as I like.  Lack of time has forced me to throw my mini-reviews here for the time being….

The Host by Stephenie Meyer happened to be the next one in my enormous stack of books screaming, “Read me!” and it did not disappoint me in the least.
I can usually predict the twists and turns in a given novel if the breadcrumb trail of clues is given.  In the case of The Host, there was an overabundance of clues (take note authors) leading the reader to suppose any number of outcomes to several climactic segments.
I was surprised to find that the main theme was not a drenching spout of Science Fiction, even though there was no doubt about the linear alien science from beginning to end.
I found the heaving raw emotions made the focal strength overwhelmingly centered around love and relationship.

From page 184:  Captured, choked, beaten, and facing death-

“My jaw locked hard. It was not THE secret, but still, it was a secret he would have to beat out of me. In this moment, my determination to hold my tongue had less to do with self-preservation than it did with a stupid, grudging kind of pride. I would NOT tell this man who despised me that I love him.”

The word Love is not a strong enough descriptor however, due to its overuse and trivialization in the last half century.
Passion maybe?  Sacrificial gravity…?
You will like the wonderful metamorphosis between protagonist(s) and antagonist(s).

The book cover blurb touts it as a mix of Stephen King and Isaac Asimov, but I found it neither. 

It was Stephenie Meyer all the way.
A must read for Stephenie Meyer fans.


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