Liar, Liar. What’s on Fire? » PenTwist

Liar, Liar. What’s on Fire?

Writing is such a joy to those with the predisposition for story telling.

I have a standing repartee with my son.  One of his usual questions when I receive a visit is whether or not I’m still writing lies.
I always try to meet his challenge with some equally disturbing touché, then have him read my latest disturbing outline for another one of my tales.

Great story tellers through history are why we have such rich libraries around the world.
For one moment, imagine the world without those gifted at placing their vivid imaginations on media.
We would have no recollection of past events. 
There would be no such thing as computers, technology, or something as mundane as multi-story buildings.
The evening news would be defunct (not a bad idea in some respects), there would be no movie theatres, no scripts, etc.
Would there be music?
Someone had to produce a drawing or written account of the secret techniques handed down from father to son to produce the perfect violin.
The list is endless and redundant….

The compounded knowledge of the past would not be available as a foundation for the next generation to build upon.  Some worry that the information is skewed toward the individual’s own views or perspectives.  However, right or wrong, (lie or truth), errors have a way of correcting themselves.
If a foundation is laid and the building erected upon it is skewed, it fails as badly as two of the Three Little Pigs.

Only the truth will stand in the end, when the test comes.

If I could lay a future foundation, it would not be for a specific genre of imaginary tenure, but the deliberate effort of writing itself.

By encouraging one young aspiring author to continue their dream of creating imaginary worlds or exacting knowledge of current events, then my life will have had meaning.
Remember to encourage those around you to read, lead by example, carry a book instead of living in a cell phone.
Should the urge suddenly prod you to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, by all means yield to the temptation.

Share that piece of yourself with the future.





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