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I was mulling over one of my collection of non-precious and semi-precious stones just the other day. I’ve collected them for years from all my travels across the southern portion of the US and Mexico. Their total combined value is most likely far less than what it cost me to purchase or travel to dig them up from mother earth.
Nevertheless, I am a crow at heart and one of the shiny objects had caught my fancy this particular day. I had accidentally left this brightly amber stone with it’s pepper-speckled inclusions in a place where the sun regularly creases the room it was in.
I also noticed that the side where the sun hit, had begun to bleach the color from one of the facets and quickly nabbed it into my hand.
I gave it a repentant rinse of water (as if to console my blunder) and a glance before I put it away with its fellow companions.
What I noticed reminded me of our craft of writing.
This particular gem had six facets, wide and flat, all sloping up to a sharp point. It was then I remembered why I’d left this stone out of the collection; the tip was somewhat chipped and I saw it as somehow damaged goods. I also remembered watching a time-lapse journey of the growth of a typical crystal which is nothing less than amazing in itself.
At the time I happened to be writing a story with six divergent characters, trying to carefully knit their unique perspectives together into the apex of my tale. I compared each facet to one of my characters; none of the facets were perfect although one was close. On closer inspection, the others weren’t nearly as perfect as I’d thought. One was jagged and wide, coarse with wavy lines; the others also had their particular misfortunes. However, it was then I noticed three things in particular.

  • First, each side in particular may not have been perfect, but the whole of the sum was magnificent.
  • Secondly, every facet was knitted firmly to two of the other facets on either side.
  • Third, together they formed the ending, the perfect apex for how they were grown, no matter how imperfect the chip at the end.

I saw a correlation to my story, saw the next phase of where my tale was headed and buried myself in fourteen hours of writing fury.  However it wasn’t the trite simile of comparison that fuelled my next several hours, it was when I saw the coarse, gritty, gouged, base of gemstone.
In my hand, I was holding the most important piece of the stone – the base, the place from which it was formed.

Happy writing.

David Pyle




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Copyright Squirrel Cage

Has someone been squirrelling with your written content?

Have you spent untold hours of research and editing costs only to find that entire pieces or concepts of your published work suddenly appears (verbatim) in a television series or HBO special?

–If you believe that your copyright has been infringed and you anticipate a legal dispute, if you have not yet done so, it is advisable that a registration be made as soon as possible in order to secure the opportunity for valuable remedies and litigation advantages available for timely registration under the Copyright Act. If a work is registered prior to infringement or within three months of publication, statutory damages will be available as an option for monetary relief, and the recovery for attorney’s fees may be available. In addition, a registration made before or within five years of publication of the work provides a presumption of the validity of the copyright and the facts stated within the registration certificate. A certificate of registration (or a rejection of an application for copyright) is a prerequisite for U.S. authors seeking to initiate a suit for copyright infringement in federal district court.*

If you believe that a criminal infringement of copyright has occurred, you may contact the Intellectual Property (IP) Program of the Financial Institution Fraud Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Two main FBI divisions investigate intellectual property crimes:
Cyber Division  -investigates intellectual property crimes involving all digital and electronic works (including Internet, CDs, DVDs, etc)

Financial Institution Fraud Unit  – all other intellectual property crimes

There are three ways a complaint made be filed:

  • Complainants may contact their local FBI field office, and the complaint will be properly referred.
  • A complaint may be filed online at the Internet Crime Complaint Center and, again, it will be properly routed.
  • Suspected criminal activity of any nature may be reported online at and will be routed accordingly.

 Other resources:


Did someone steal “Scenes” or “Orphan Pieces” of your work?


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The Launch!

    Publishing a book out into the world is not quite like giving birth as I’d assumed.  It is however similar to the feeling of sending your child to their first day of school.

    Parents put as much of themselves inside their children to prepare them for whatever comes their way, but it will never be enough.  When the time is right, we must let go and commit to the launch, trusting that they can stand alone on their own merits.

    No matter how arduous the effort, they will be buffeted by criticism, ridiculed for their insufficiencies and errors, and possibly odd colored socks.   

    The most we can hope for is that they will find their perfect niche of acceptance and integrate with others that will love and support them.

Happy reading!


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Pitre – by David Pyle

Do you believe in Angels?

Deep in the South African bush country, a wealthy British doctor and his family spent the greater portion of their professional lives in aid of others. However, goodness and sacrifice is not always rewarded in like kind.

One simple act of kindness pits Dr. Schumacher and his family against powerful enemies that even refuge across the globe cannot separate them from. After losing his devoted wife and partner, now living in America, Kress is dealt another blow.

A year later, on the verge of summer vacation, Chaste Ellen Schumacher, his young daughter, is abducted. Days, weeks, months pass, with no ransom demands or contact. On the brink of insanity, he is offered one last hope. This one hope however is beyond anything sane. Kress must battle a supernatural creature with the ability to help him find his daughter and the cost is beyond imagination.

 Pitre will challenge everything he has ever believed.




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At Amazon Books, CreateSpace, and Kindle.




  Free Preview and exceptional price.







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Sulphur and Wine

Sulphur and Wine – download

…… a side project I’ve been scribbling on over the last few years (Yeah, one of those).

Hope you enjoy and give me some feedback –
………….Let me know what you think –
……………………..Finish or Trash?

(I’m going to finish it either way, but I’ll take protests into consideration!)

Click Here To Request a Download





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Hidden Authoristics

Recently, I picked up a stack of Kim Harrison’s Hollow Series and found some interesting nuggets.  Another author peeks through the clouds of fiction:

The Outlaw Demon Wails
Kim Harrison


Character- Rachel Mariana Morgan speaking to herself:

p. 272 – “Sometimes it takes a two-by-four across your head to realize what you want isn’t what you’ll end up with if you get it.”


White Witch, Black Curse
Kim Harrison


Character- Rachel to useless brother Robbie:

p. 350 – “I am going to stay here and do some good, because that’s what people do when they are alive and not just going through the motions. I am not going to find myself on my deathbed, wondering what would have happened if I hadn’t played it safe!”

Character- Rachel’s Mother giving her daughter some advice:

p. 353 – “I want you to do wonderful things. But unless you have someone to share them with, they don’t mean a dog’s ass. Trust me on this.”


Black Magic Sanction
Kim Harrison


Character- Algaliarept

p. 234 – “Perception is everything, determining how others treat us. If enough people think you’re a demon, you are.”


This author has a very unique style of writing.





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Liar, Liar. What’s on Fire?

Writing is such a joy to those with the predisposition for story telling.

I have a standing repartee with my son.  One of his usual questions when I receive a visit is whether or not I’m still writing lies.
I always try to meet his challenge with some equally disturbing touché, then have him read my latest disturbing outline for another one of my tales.

Great story tellers through history are why we have such rich libraries around the world.
For one moment, imagine the world without those gifted at placing their vivid imaginations on media.
We would have no recollection of past events. 
There would be no such thing as computers, technology, or something as mundane as multi-story buildings.
The evening news would be defunct (not a bad idea in some respects), there would be no movie theatres, no scripts, etc.
Would there be music?
Someone had to produce a drawing or written account of the secret techniques handed down from father to son to produce the perfect violin.
The list is endless and redundant….

The compounded knowledge of the past would not be available as a foundation for the next generation to build upon.  Some worry that the information is skewed toward the individual’s own views or perspectives.  However, right or wrong, (lie or truth), errors have a way of correcting themselves.
If a foundation is laid and the building erected upon it is skewed, it fails as badly as two of the Three Little Pigs.

Only the truth will stand in the end, when the test comes.

If I could lay a future foundation, it would not be for a specific genre of imaginary tenure, but the deliberate effort of writing itself.

By encouraging one young aspiring author to continue their dream of creating imaginary worlds or exacting knowledge of current events, then my life will have had meaning.
Remember to encourage those around you to read, lead by example, carry a book instead of living in a cell phone.
Should the urge suddenly prod you to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, by all means yield to the temptation.

Share that piece of yourself with the future.





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Recent Amazon Releases

At Amazon Books, CreateSpace, and Kindle.

Minutes by David PyleReleased August 15th, 2013

Horror with a Heart. 
This fiction novel was inspired by a
foray of supernatural  events that are
meant to intrigue and inspire.

You’ll never view the common world
around you the same.

Although it is targeted to a Young
Adult audience, it has received good
reviews by readers of all ages.




At Amazon Books, CreateSpace, and Kindle.

Pitre by David Pyle

Released October 11th, 2013

Do you believe in angels?

A mesmerizing tale of loss and recovery.
Readers of all ages will enjoy this story of
fast paced events.

Supernatural fun at its peak!





Debut Novel – 2009

Debut Novel by David Pyle
Between Life and Death is a new
Supernatural Thriller
centered in
historical Natchez, Mississippi.

Released in 2009

Published as an unedited manuscript.




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“Press This”

Attention all WordPress users!

Plugin “Press This” is a password thief that sends your password to a .RU domain.

Uninstall the shortcut.  Change your password.

You’re welcome….

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