Making Time to Write » PenTwist

Making Time to Write

Making Time to Write
suggestions by David Pyle

The first thing you should settle in your mind once and for all –
Am I a Writer?

If there are any doubts about where your passions and talent’s lie, writing will always be a struggle for you.  However, if you have that minor hurdle behind you, then there are many easy prompts you can add to your daily routine to help solidify your productivity.

Make writing the first thing you do.  
I already hear the excuses ejecting from you.  I have a life, I have children, I have a demanding job, I have home chores, I have bills to pay, I have…
For those of you who have other demands – Bravo.  You fall into a category many others who have-not would trade you for.  Daily life only adds to the treasure and quality of your personal resources.  Don’t see these demands as hindrances, because without them, your fictional characters would have no substance or link to reality.

Choosing the right time for you to apply yourself is critical.  Many writers choose to place themselves before a laptop or computer late at night, after all the other items have stopped nagging for attention.  Face it, you’re tired.  All the creative mini-bursts you enjoyed throughout the day have faded into a dreamlike vapor.  You consider a fresh pot of coffee at midnight just to rekindle the dozens of ideas you tried to take note of during the day.

If midnight is the only time you can claim, then be a note taker – literally.  Also, take note of those nudges and when they occur – an idea to spice up a character, a plot detail that will cause your story to explode, a location, a scent, a sound.  Those nudges could be an indication that you should schedule that very portion of your day as your quality creative time to write.

Speaking of fictional characters (above) – choosing the correct subject and genre for your efforts can be just as important as the muse you entertain.  Think back to when you were a child and were allowed a trip to the school or public library.  Which sections did you run to immediately?
Fiction Adventure History World Events Nature

What you currently love to read is likely the spark needed to open the floodgate of your creativity.  That floodgate will inspire time to write and cause your writing to be inspired.

Final thoughts – Set goals, keep a writing journal, read, and never settle for second best.

Write on…

Category: Fan Blog
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